Customer and stakeholders


We constantly seek to improve the quality of our care. There are a number of things you can do to help us give you a better service. Please remember to:

  • Bring any documents we may need. For example, your hospital card, your ID card, prescriptions, referral documents if you have been referred to us by another Clinic or any record cards which some Clinics provide
  • Give your physician all the details about your condition, any illnesses you may have had, past hospitalizations, any medication you are taking, any allergies you may have and any other matter relating to your health. Remember, the more said the better.
  • Report unexpected changes in your condition to your physician
  • Ask your physician to explain again if you have not fully understood the recommended course of action
  • Follow the treatment plan recommended by your physician  
  • Keep appointments and, when unable to do so, notify the Outpatients' Department
  • Take responsibility for your actions if you refuse treatment or do not follow your physician's instructions.
  • Show respect for staff.
  • Trust the judgment of the healthcare providers.
  • Adhere to healthcare provider directives.


Please understand that it is not always possible for us to keep to appointment times, although we will do our utmost to do so. We often have to deal with emergencies, while some cases will unexpectedly require lengthy treatment.

Some of the inconveniences faced by patients are as a result of the space challenge we face presently. We are doing our best to provide outstanding service in spite of this constraint.